Aurilis Magic Academy
Special Area
Last Update hace 6 meses
The world map of Aurilis Magic Academy, with 5 areas to unlock, is now available!
Complete the quest: “Portal to Magic” available in the Luciola Forest quest market to unlock access to the new world map.
Aurilis Areas
Once you complete the quest “Portal to Magic” you’ll have access to the areas in Aurilis Magic Academy.
The Assembly Hall area is the starting point to your education.
Here you’ll meet the school’s Headmaster, Amidala, who offers general quests not specific to any class. These quests are great to pick up and have them working in the background:
30 Day Streak
Write 5k words quest chain that goes all the way up to 150k words
First day of school quests
& others
The other 4 areas are where you take your classes. There is one area for each Year 1 Class:
Alchemy in the Enchanted Forest
Ancient Knowledge in the Academy Library
Astrology in the Observatory
Spells in the Spells Dungeon
Click on the area you want to travel to and get started on a class by completing quests in the class’ area.
In the Assembly Hall you’ll also find the Familiar Market.
Here you can unlock Familiars that become your battle Companions, boosting your battle stats, and offering passive boosts (boosts you gain without needing to have them equipped as your active companion.
There are 4 familiars you can unlock. For each one you’ll need to turn in Exam Points from their respective class plus other items. You earn Exam Points every time you finish a quest from that Class.
There’s also a Potion Market in the Aurilis Assembly Hall.
Potions are consumable battle items that will help you in monster battles. Consumable Potions give a one-time benefit for normal battles (not available for Endurance or Co-Op battles). Once used, the potion is discarded.
Freeze: Pause your current monster battle
Slow Hex: Add 15 minutes to your current battle
Fire Grenade: Deal 10% of your monster’s total health (word count) as damage
Fire Blast: Deal 1,000 damage to your entire battle queue
Inflate Potion: Add 10% of your current battle’s total minutes as extra time
Freeze Potions cost 1 Stempo each (and coins), while the other potions are crafted with items (and coins) dropped by monsters roaming the Academy grounds.
Curriculum at Magic Academy
Aurilis Magic Academy offers a 4 year curriculum that awakens and deepens a student's knowledge of magic. Once a student graduates they become an alumni and gain access to an advanced set of quests that the school needs help with.
In their first year, students may enroll in as many of the 4 year 1 classes as they like. Year 2 classes are more advanced and have prerequisite year 1 classes that must be completed before a student has access to the class.
On April 30th Year 2 classes will become available for those that have completed their Year 1 Classes.
In the future, as Dust Warriors gain the school’s trust, Year 3 & 4 classes will become available.
Classes at Aurilis follow a similar format:
Complete three basic quests to unlock the full course load.
Each quest you complete gives you Exam Points for that class.
Use the Exam Points to unlock extra item rewards in the Class’ Market Shop.
Graduate from a class by completing the “Final Exam” quest that’s available once you complete the 3 basic class quests.
Year 1 Classes
There are 4 classes available today for Year 1 of your magical education.
Each class has its own set of monsters, quests and rewards all themed after the class’ subject. Here’s a quick summary of the 4 classes:
In total, there’s over 100,000 words of content in the year 1 classes, so plenty for you to do and to sink your teeth into.
4 more classes, the advanced Year 2 Classes, will be unlocked on April 30th. You’ll need to complete the final exam for Year 1 classes to enroll in Year 2 classes, so it’s best to start working on those.
(Spoilers AHEAD)
Below are detailed syllabi that lay out the entire class: monsters, quests, and rewards, along with estimated word counts. We’ve updated these syllabus with the new content.
Here is a folder with all the Syllabi so you can download them as high quality images you can zoom in on or print. We also left checkboxes so you can tick Quests off as you complete them.
Our goal is to allow you to see what lies ahead and pick your ideal path forward. Remember that this content is here to stay, so there’s no need to rush, take a look around, see what you like and start there.
Ancient Knowledge
Ancient Knowledge is a great starting place as it has the easiest course load and the entire class can be completed with around 23,000 words. This is where you learn the language of magic, immerse yourself in histories, and gain knowledge that can be depended on for other classes.
The class has 5 monsters you’ll meet and Professor Bartholemus is a 10 minute Endurance monster available for those who enjoy those challenges.
Here’s the full Ancient Knowledge Class Syllabus (link to download):
The Alchemy Class focuses on transmutation and as such this class is the only that requires you to fight monsters from other classes. What do you do when you need the strength of one monster, the hardness of a shell, and the light of a start? You learn Alchemy.
This class has 6 monsters and you’ll be able to complete the entire class with about 36,000 words. This class also unlocks access to Cobaltean Familiars battles!
Here’s the full Alchemy Class Syllabus (link to download):
The Astrology class, like the planets and stars it studies, hides more than meets the eye. Fate and its mysteries are hidden to most people, but there are several who see them, others who can avoid them, and very few who can do both (though students try their best).
This class has 6 monsters and you’ll be able to complete the entire class with about 26,000 words. This class also unlocks access to Galaxy Familiar battles!
Here’s the full Astrology Class Syllabus (link to download):
Spells Class is the hardest class for first-year students, which makes it perfect for those looking for a challenge. Spells Class takes about 35,000 words to fully complete. Deep in the dark, dank, dungeons, a magic user needs to know an array of spells to survive… good luck!
Dungeons often wear on a person’s spirit, and are no place to spend extra time in, which is why there are many timed quests. Red Dungeons specifically are extra challenging - they’ll need to be completed in a single pass from beginning to end, or a student will find themselves back at the beginning.
Here’s the full Spells Class Syllabus (link to download):
Year 2 Classes
Year 2 Classes are advanced classes, which means you’ll need to complete Year 1 Classes first as prerequisites.
To graduate from a class, complete the “Final Exam” quest and earn a “Graduation Scroll” for the class.
For example:
To take Fungi Studies, you’ll need to have completed Alchemy’s “Final Exam” Quest.
For Void Magic, you’ll need to have completed the final exams in both Ancients Knowledge and Spells.
Each Year 2 Class is located where their partner Year 1 Class takes place (Both Alchemy and Fungi Studies are in the Enchanted Forest, for example).
Thread Magic
In the Academy Library, with Guest Lecturer Kultalva, the study of magical threads is offered to second year students.
Yes, this class teaches all the ways to knit beautiful patterns, creating stunning pieces students can take home or give to friends. But beneath the surface there is much more to be learned about the threads that unite destinies, fields of knowledge, and our very lives. Students will leave with a deep appreciation for the magic tapestry of life.
Here’s an overview of Year 2 Threads Syllabus (download here):
Mirror Magic
High above the school, in the Observatory with Professor Aylin, students will look down onto the Academy’s lake and glimpse reflections made by moonlit water for hints of the power that mere stars cannot bestow.
Mirror magic teaches students to channel the worlds beyond by harnessing the power of mirrors and reflective surfaces. Certain metals may produce stable results, but no matter what, this class will have students seeing double before they’ve even begun!
Here’s an overview of Year 2 Mirror Syllabus (download here):
Void Magic
Deep in the school Dungeons, in newly built corridors and under the guidance of Professor Wynncott, small portals are being opened to Void so students can study these dark dimensions (and in them) for brief moments of time.
Void Magic studies the Void, another dimension where gravity breaks down, giving way to mostly non-physical beings. Due to the Void Portal appearing during Starfall 2024, Void Magic, which is normally a Year 3 Class, was moved up in the curriculum to Year 2.
Here’s an overview of Year 2 Void Syllabus (download here):
Fungi Studies
In the depths of the Enchanted Forest, where little light penetrates, you’ll study Fungi with Professor Perrenne.
Fungi Studies focuses around, well, fungi. But not the types normally found in the Valley. These Fungi either interact or are infused with magic, and push the boundaries of what we’d expect when searching for these morsels. Students will learn to study these beings and collect materials from them.
Here’s an overview of Year 2 Fungi Syllabus (download here):