Battle Stats
Attack, Defense & Luck
Last Update 6 месяцев назад
Your Hero has Battle Stats that can be boosted by equipping Battle Items or Companions on your Hero Inventory page.
There are three battle stats you can modify:
Attack Items: Your words do more damage. Instead of 1 word = 1 damage to monsters, every word you write might now count as 1.1 or 1.5. Making it easier to defeat larger monsters. The higher your attack the more damage your words will do.
Defense Items: More time in battle. Extend how long you have before time runs out with defensive items. The higher your defense the more extra time will be added to battles, especially useful in giving you more health for your Endurance battles.
Luck Items: more loot! Boost your chances of earning more rewards from defeated monsters.
Equipping Items
To equip a Battle Item click on the “Battle” Category and then click on the item you want to equip:
This will open up the information window about the item where you can see:
The body part the item will be equipped to: Weapon 1
The Battle Stat boosts this item provides: +1 Attack
The Equip button
Click the “Equip” button to equip the battle item.
You can only have one battle item equipped per body part. If you already have an item equipped you’ll see it’s stats show up in a small details box so you can compare them:
Mix and match Battle items with different stats for your preferred bonuses. If you’re having a more relaxed day you might want to have more Defense stats for extra time, if you’re on the offensive, load up on Attack items to crush through swarms of monsters.
Battle Companions
Companions are characters in the game that join you on your Journey, further boosting your Battle Stats. You’ll earn Companions by completing the main storyline of the game.
To equip a Companion click on the Companion box in your Inventory which will bring up your available companions:
Then select the Companion you want and click on the “Set as Companion” button: