Multiplayer Battles

Join forces with other writers


Last Update 6 bulan yang lalu

In Multiplayer battles you’ll fight together with other Dust Warriors (teams of 2-8) to defeat Co-Op monsters that grow in size to match the size of your team!

You’re still writing in your own private file, but in this battle mode, your damage is added to a team damage pool you’re all contributing to in real time.

Lets go over everything you need to know to become an expert Multiplayer warrior!

Co-Op Lobby: the starting point

Everything to do with Co-Op battles is in the “Multiplayer” section of the site.

Click on Multiplayer icon on the site’s sidebar to open the section homepage:

On this page you’ll find:

  • A list of recent Co-Op rooms

  • A “Create room” button: create your own Co-Op room

  • A “Fast Join” button: adds you to an active public room

  • Other Co-Op specific pages: Co-Op Quests & FAQ

The majority of the page is dedicated to Co-Op Room listings so that you can find a room to join. Each listing will look something like this:

Here’s what each part means:

  • Room name or title: usually a way to highlight what the group is fighting or at what time a battle starts

  • Leader: The name of the Dust Warrior that’s leading the room

  • Access:

    • Globe icon: Public access, anyone can join

    • Lock icon: Private access, needs a password to join

  • Status:

    • Active: Has had activity in the last 60 minutes

    • Inactive: Inactive for 60 minutes or longer

    • Preparing: Team is preparing for a battle and the room can be joined

    • Ongoing: Battle is being fought right now so the room can’t be joined

    • Finished: Battle has ended and leader is deciding whether to keep room active or not

  • Room Capacity: Shows how large the room is from 2 to 8 spaces and how many Dust Warriors are occupying the available spaces in the room.

  • Battling Monster Information:

    • Image of the monster that’s being fought

    • Total word count the team will have to write together

    • Time limit: how many minutes the team has to reach the word count goal

    • Difficulty rating: from Easy to Extreme (more on this below in the XX section)

  • Join Button: switches to an unclickable “Ongoing” button when the team is in a fight

At the top right hand side of the page you’ll find more options for looking through the rooms:

  • Search bar: look for a room name, enter a room’s code or the Dust Warrior’s name you’re looking for

  • Filter: hide types of rooms you don’t want to see (like Private or Inactive)

  • Refresh button: refreshes the list of Co-Op rooms with more recent information

Co-Op Rooms

To fight in Co-Op battle you’ll need a team of 2-8 Dust Warriors.

Co-Op teams gather in Rooms before a battle begins, so the first thing you’ll need is to join or create a Co-Op Room.

Join or Create a Room

You have three options for finding your Co-Op team:

  1. Join an existing room: look through the available rooms on the Co-Op Lobby page and click on the “Join” button to enter the room. (There’s more information on understanding the Room listings in the “Co-Op Lobby” section above.)

  2. Use the “Fast Join” button at the top of the page and we’ll automatically place you in an active public room.

  3. Host your own room using the “Create Room” button at the top of the page.

Use any of these three options and you’ll find yourself in the Co-Op room page.

Please note: You can’t be in an active battle when you join a Co-Op Room. If you’re in a battle and try to join a room you’ll get a warning asking you to finish the battle before entering:

Co-Op Room Page

Once you’ve joined or created a Room you’ll be moved to the Room page. This is where you and your team will prepare for battle!

There are three main columns (from left to right):

  1. Monster & room details: information about the upcoming battle and other settings that can be modified by the room’s leader.

  2. List of team members: the name of the brave Dust Warriors who you’ll be fighting alongside

  3. Team chat: a realtime chat so you and your teammates can communicate

*This page will have more options if you’re the Room Leader (more on customizing your Room below).

When you’re ready, click the “I’m Ready” button to let your team know the battle can begin.

A Co-Op Battle won’t begin until every team member is ready.

As you wait for the battle to begin you can move around the website freely, your spot in the Co-Op Room will be safe and you can return to the room at any time by clicking the Multiplayer icon on the site’s sidebar.

Leader Picks A Monster

Room Leaders are the ones who control the settings for the team: who you fight, under what rules and what settings the room has.

You can become the Room Leader by creating the room or by having the leadership transferred to you by the previous leader. Leaders will have a crown icon next to their name.

As a Leader you’ll see additional options on the Room page:

Click the “Choose Monster” button to open a window with the Co-Op monsters that are available to fight:

Each Co-Op monster has their own:

  • Word count: the number of words each individual team member has to write. If the monster’s word count is 100 words and you have 5 team members, you’ll need to write a total of 500 words (100 words x 5 team members = 500 total words). Some team members can write less than 100, which means others will have to make up the difference.

  • Time: the number of minutes the team has to reach the total word count. Time isn’t modified by the number of teammates. If a monster has a 30 minute limit, that is how long your team has to write the total number of words.

  • Drops: what each team member will win if you defeat the monster.

Personal Battle Stats

Your personal Battle Stats (Attack, Defense & Luck) behave differently during Co-Op battles.

  • Attack: counts the same (your words will do the same extra damage)

  • Defense: doesn’t count (your extra defense won’t add any extra time to a Co-Op battle)

  • Luck: counts the same (your luck stat will have an effect on drops)

Because Defense doesn’t count at all during Co-Op battles, if you find yourself fighting a lot of them, you might want to consider changing your defense for other stats.

Difficulty Levels

As an additional challenge, Co-Op Battles have a difficulty level that’s chosen by the leader.

There are 4 difficulty levels you can choose from, the higher the difficulty the better the rewards. Here’s a table that goes over the 4 levels and how they affect the battle:

Easy is the default state and the only mode where copy/pasting is allowed. As you increase the difficulty you’ll increase the words you have to write, and in the higher tiers, you’ll have less time to write those words.

When the leader has selected a difficulty level everyone in the team will see it in the Room details under the monster’s stats:

Room Settings

Room leaders can click the “Edit Room” button to select a difficulty and modify other settings.

  • Name: Give the room a public name that other Dust Warriors can read on the Co-Op listings page

  • Visibility:

    • Public: anyone can join the room

    • Private: password protected room

  • Password: the password other’s will have to enter to join your private room

  • Number of warriors: the max size you want the room to have

  • Difficulty: choose between the 4 difficulty levels

  • Copy/Paste Allowed: click on if you want to allow participants to copy/paste their words during the battle (only available with “easy” difficulty battles”

Starting the battle

When the leader has selected the Co-Op monster and all of the room settings look good to go, it’s time for the battle to start.

Each team member must click the “I’m Ready” button so that the battle can begin.

A Co-Op Battle won’t begin until every team member is ready.

Ready indicators will appear under each team member's name so you can see who’s missing. You can use the Chat to set a starting time or communicate with other team members.

When the last person clicks “I’m Ready” the battle will begin and everyone in the team will see a message letting them know (in case they were elsewhere on the site):

Co-Op Battles

When a Co-Op battle has begun you’ll want to move to a writing file and begin writing.

You’ll see a battle widget on your writing page that tracks your progress. This widget looks a bit different because it’s tracking your individual progress, as well as your team’s total progress.

  • The top bar shows your team’s total damage. The bar is split up by colors, each team member has their own color.

  • The middle bar shows how many words you’ve written “115” (out of your equal portion of the total words “200”)

  • The bottom bar has the remaining time.

  • Clicking the “Back to room” button will take you back to the Co-Op room page where you can chat with your team.

  • If you hover over the widget you’ll see a detailed list of your teammates and the number of words each has written.

Your Co-Op room remains active during a battle and you can return to it at any point by clicking on the Multiplayer icon on the site’s sidebar. 

In the room you’ll see realtime progress updates of how your team is doing and can continue to chat with them.

If any team member leaves during a battle, including the leader, the battle will continue and the total words will remain the same. If all team members leave, the battle will be marked as lost for everyone.

Battle Won

When your team crosses the total number of words you’ll all receive a celebration screen letting you know you’re victorious! 

You can choose to continue writing and finish up what you were doing, or you can click the “See Battle Stats” button to see a detailed battle summary in the Co-Op Room.

On this page you’ll see how many words each team member wrote, what rewards they received and continue chatting with your team.

The team Leader will have a “Continue” button they can click which will remake the room with the same details so the team can jump back into another fight.

Co-Op Quests

Co-Op battles have their own quest market which is easily accessible from the Multiplayer Co-Op Lobby homepage.

Click on “Special Co-Op Quests” on the top-menu to go there:

This page will list all the available quests that are related to Co-Op battles. 

During special events we’ll add in new quests to this page that are available for a limited time.

Click on “Details” to open up a quest details window that has more information or “Take Quest” to add it to your Questbook (this button might be grayed out if your Questbook is full).

Co-Op quests you pick up are added to your Questbook alongside other normal quests.

There are two unique Quest Objectives that you will only find in Co-Op Quests:

  • Difficulty Requirement: you’ll need to complete battles of a certain difficulty or higher (“4 Medium Battles or higher”)

  • Team Size Requirement: need to complete battles with a certain team size or higher (“2 Battles with a team size of 4 or higher”)

As with other Quest Objectives, you can over the icon image to get more information about the objective:

Additional points:

  • Objectives asking for N number of battles against a specific Co-Op monster can be completed by defeating it at any difficulty level.

  • Co-Op monster battles count toward “Any Monster” objectives and toward your Daily Challenge to fight monsters. 

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