Battle List
Build your ideal writing session
Last Update 6 months ago
Add multiple monsters into your battle list so the next monster monster battle begins once your current battle ends - allowing you to write uninterrupted.
Adding Monsters to your Battle List
Click the “+” icon on a monster’s card to add it into your Battle List or if you’re in the Wilderness you can click on the “Add to Battle List” button.
Your Battle List can hold a certain number of monsters in it, depending on your subscription plan.
If you click the “+” icon but it doesn’t add a monster into your Battle List it might be because:
You’ve reached your plan's monster limit and your Battle List is full
You don’t have the necessary requirements needed to fight that monster (more info in the “Monster Requirements” section below).
Starting a Monster Battle
When you have the monsters you want to fight in your Battle List you need to click “Start Battle” for the battle to begin.
There’s also a Start Battle button you can use on the writing editor so you don’t lose any time:
Once the battle has started the timer will start to count down and every word you write will damage the monster.
Time to write!
Auto-Start Next
You’ll fight the monsters in your Battle List in the order they are placed, starting with the first monster at the top of the list and moving down the list in order.
With the “Autostart-next” feature you have the option to have the next battle in your list start automatically, this way you can write without interruption, and without having to manually start each battle.
When Autostart next is ON: when you win a battle the next one will automatically start
When Autostart next is OFF: you’ll need to manually click “Start” for your next battle
*If you lose a battle we’ll automatically turn autostart next off, so there’s no need to worry about losing an entire battle list because you stepped away from the computer.
You can turn “autostart next” on and off by clicking the button in the Battle List header:
There’s also a quick-access icon on the Write page you can toggle on/off.
When autostart next is on and there’s more than 1 monster in your Battle List we’ll add a number so you know how many battles are left:
Loop Battles
If you want to repeat battles against a particular monster, without adding it over and over again to your Battle List, you can use the Loop feature.
When the Loop feature is On and you defeat a monster, we’ll automatically start another battle against the same monster again. This allows you to stay in an endless “loop” against 1 monster until you decide to turn it off.
The Loop feature will override your Battle List, so even if you had other monsters queued up, if you turn on the Loop feature, you’ll stay in a loop until you turn it off.
Dust Warrior Hint: Loop feature is great if you want to do “1 more battle” but your list is empty and you don’t want to go looking for more monsters. Just click on the Loop and get a few more battles in.
If you turn on the Loop feature for a monster that’s in your Battle List, but you’re not fighting yet, we’ll move through your list normally and when we get to that monster we’ll loop battles against it until you turn it off.
Organizing your Battle List
Once you’ve added monsters to your Battle List you can drag & drop them into your preferred order.
Click the dots icon next to their image and drag & drop them where you want them.
You can also click the “Options” button to sort the monsters in your list by size or time. This works great if you want the smaller battles first.