Streak Repairs & Reserve


Last Update 6 maanden geleden

We know life can get in the way of our writing, or sometimes we just need a break.

So we’ve added a way for you to repair broken streak days in the past, as well as a way to reserve days in the future you won’t be able to write - this way your consecutive streak stays safe.


To repair or reserve consecutive streak days you’ll need an item called a Stempo.

You can buy Stempos directly on the Streaks Page or you can earn them by completing quests, unlocking streak rewards, or craft them in the Gansu Watering Hole area (the Stempos page on our Wiki has more details).

To fix your Streak Days there’s a different Stempo cost depending on if you’re fixing the past or future:

  • Repair a day in the past: 2 Stempos per day

  • Reserve a day in the future: 1 Stempo per day

For example: If it’s March 10th and I didn’t write March 8th or 9th, it’ll cost me 4 Stempos to repair those 2 days in the past (2 days x 2 Stempos per day). If it’s March 10th and I want to reserve March 12th and 13th, it’ll cost me 2 Stempos to reserve those 2 days in the future (2 days x 1 Stempo per day). 

When you reserve a day in the future you don’t need to log-in or do anything, your streak will automatically count that day as being completed and your consecutive streak will continue to grow.

Repairing your Streak

Once you have Stempos in your inventory, you can use the calendar on your Streak page to fix your Streak.

To fix a single streak day:

  • Click on the “Fix dates with Stempos” button

  • Then on the Calendar, click on the day you want to fix twice

  • The box for that date should change color and the Stempo Price will appear in a button bellow

  • Click the “Fix for N Stempos” button to confirm

  • Your streak day is fixed!

To fix a range of streak days:

  • Click on the “Fix dates with Stempos” button

  • Then on the Calendar, click on the day you want to fix once

  • Click on the last day of the range once

  • The date range will change color and the Stempo Price will appear in a button bellow

  • Click the “Fix for N Stempos” button to confirm

  • Your streak range is fixed!

Please note:

  • We don’t allow repairing more than 30 calendar days in the past. So if today is March 15th you’ll only be able to repair up until February 15th.

  • If you need to repair non-consecutive dates or ranges you’ll need to repair them one at a time.

  • When you fix a streak, if you cross any milestones that include a Streak Reward you will earn those rewards automatically.

Dust Warrior Tip: we value “showing up” for your writing, even if that means not writing. If you can’t write today, but still log in, you can use the “fix dates with Stempos” feature to fix today for free (0 Stempos). 

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